
Maintenance works plan

Maintenance works for 2023

Works for Gas Transmission System Construction, Reconstruction and Maintenance in 2023

The updated Consolidated Maintenance Works Plan for the Baltic-Finnish region has been published

Gas transmission system operators Gasgrid Finland Oy, Elering AS, AS Conexus Baltic Grid and AB Amber Grid (TSOs) have jointly updated the Consolidated Maintenance Works plan of Baltic – Finnish region which was published in the beginning of July 2022. The updated consolidated maintenance work plan covers the period until the end of calendar year 2023. The maintenance works plan contains scheduled maintenance works of gas transmission system and Inčukalns Underground Gas Storage and the capacities offered to the market participants.

The updated Consolidated Maintenance Works plan describes the situation on 5th of February 2023.

Please note that the direction (entry/exit) for the capacity indicated in the document is from the TSO’s perspective who is performing the related maintenance work. For instance, Puiatu LKS - Navesti LKS isolation work performed by Elering limits Balticconnector entry capacity from Elering point of view (FIN->EE) to 5 GWh/day. This means that limitation of the work performed by Elering limits the capacity to exit direction from Gasgrid Finland point of view (FIN->EE).

Any updates to the Consolidated Maintenance Works plan after 5th of February will, in the first instance, be published as Urgent Market Messages (UMM) on GET Baltic inside information platform umm.getbaltic.com. Up-to-date information on the technical capacity values can be found on the ENTSOG Transparency Platform.

To ensure up-to-date information, please follow carefully the following information channels:

ENTSOG Transparency Platformhttps://transparency.entsog.eu/#/map 

Consolidated Maintenance Works plan of Baltic - Finnish region for the period from October 2023 to December 2024

Baltic – Finnish region gas transmission system operators AB Amber Grid, Conexus Baltic Grid AS, Elering AS and Gasgrid Finland Oy (TSOs) and LNG terminal operators AB Klaipedos nafta and Floating LNG Terminal Finland Oy (LTOs) have jointly prepared the Consolidated Maintenance Works plan of Baltic - Finnish region for the period from October 2023 to December 2024. The maintenance works plan contains scheduled maintenance works of gas transmission system, LNG terminals and Inčukalns Underground Gas Storage and capacities offered to the market participants.

The published Consolidated Maintenance Works plan describes the situation on 21th of June 2023 and is available HERE.

Please note that the direction (entry/exit) for the capacity indicated in the document is from the TSO’s or LTO’s perspective who is performing the related maintenance work. For instance, Balticconnector cleaning probe performed by Elering limits Balticconnector entry capacity from Elering point of view (FIN->EE). This means that limitation affects exit direction from Gasgrid point of view (FIN->EE).

Any updates to the Consolidated Maintenance Works plan after 21th of June 2023 will be primarily published as Urgent Market Messages (UMM) on GET Baltic inside information platform.

Up-to-date information on the technical capacity values can be found on the ENTSOG Transparency Platform.

To ensure up-to-date information, please carefully follow the following information channels:

Ensuring Safe Operation and Maintaining Gas Supply Integrity in the Baltic - Finnish region

Gas transmission infrastructure plays a vital role in supplying gas in the Baltic - Finnish region, and maintaining its safe and reliable operation is of utmost importance. To ensure the gas transmission system's integrity, periodic inspection and maintenance works are necessary, as stipulated by technical maintenance regulations. These regulations define the scope and frequency of maintenance, inspection, and diagnostic works, aligning with equipment manufacturer instructions and regulatory requirements. Due to these reasons internal diagnostics and maintenance works for the Vireši-Tallinn and Riga-Panevėžys pipelines are included in the next year’s maintenance works plan. Accordingly, the upcoming diagnostic work is scheduled for 2023 on the Vireši-Tallinn pipeline, with diagnostics on the Riga-Panevėžys pipeline planned for 2024 that will result in limitations of interconnection capacities. These periodic tasks are integral to the overall Baltic - Finnish region gas supply system's proper functioning, including the Balticconnector. The Vireši-Tallinn gas pipeline was constructed between 1988 and 1990, therefore, regular maintenance and repair works are essential to ensure the pipeline's safe operation and reliability of the region's gas supply.

It is crucial to note that the maintenance of the Vireši-Tallinn pipeline was already cancelled in 2022 due to challenges in the regional gas supply situation with the gas delivery stop to Finland via Imatra, leading to a reduction in the allowable operating pressure in the Latvian gas transmission system. Subsequent postponements of the scheduled works are not possible.

Executing the necessary diagnostic work on the Vireši-Tallinn pipeline presents specific challenges, especially with regards to the technical capacity of the Balticconnector. To tackle these challenges, Conexus Baltic Grid has proposed conducting the diagnostic work in October 2023, with the aim of minimizing associated risks and potential impacts on regional gas supply security. Additionally, it has been decided to reschedule the inspection of identified defects from January 2024 to July 2024. In the exceptional situation where significant defects are discovered, an Urgent Market Message (UMM) will be promptly published, and repairs will have to be addressed on an unplanned basis. It is important to note that if the regional gas supply situation worsens, the planned diagnostic work can be temporarily halted to ensure immediate restoration of full capacity if needed.

The completion of repair works on the Vireši-Tallinn pipeline and the ongoing ELLI project is aiming to achieve the certification for the higher allowable operating pressure by the end of 2023. Once the regional infrastructure projects have been commissioned, the Balticconnector technical capacity will be re-assessed with the aim of increasing it from the current level.

The TSOs and LTOs have a common objective to develop further the process of Consolidated Maintenance Work Planning having the target to increase the level of predictability of the maintenance works to the extent possible and minimizing the impacts of the works to the market participants by deepening the regional co-operation even more in maintenance work scheduling. The TSOs and LTOs are about to develop a longer-term maintenance work plan which provides the tools to respond to the above-mentioned objectives better.

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