
Public consultations

Please find more information regarding actual market consultations

Public consultation on Amber Grid tariffs’ methodology and indicative 2024-2028 tariffs
Due to the transmission tariff methodology changes for upcoming regulatory period (2024-2028) the National Energy Regulatory Council (LT NRA), on 2nd December 2022, published public consultation on the reference price methodology for determining the tariffs of services provided by the Lithuanian natural gas transmission system operator AB Amber Grid for year 2024-2028. If new significant changes would appear during  new regulatory period these changes would be consulted again. 
The consultation is carried out based on European Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/460 of 16 March 2017 establishing a network code on harmonised transmission tariff structures for gas (TAR NC), both Art. 26 of TAR NC (Periodic consultation, covering reference price methodology, tariffs and their derivation, and mandatory to be repeated at least every 5 years) and Art. 28 (Consultation on discounts, multipliers and seasonal factors).
The document of public consultation, tariff models are available here
Final decision on tariffs will be adopted by the LT NRA after assessing comments and proposals to be received from the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) by May 31st, 2023.
We would like to invite all interested parties to submit any comments and proposals for this consultation document by e-mail to info@vert.lt (with copy to lina.karpaviciute@vert.lt and tariffs@ambergrid.lt) no later than February 1st 2023.
Regional consultation on market needs for the activities related to Guarantees of Origin

Transmission system operators in the Baltic States and Finland are organizing a joint regional consultation on the market needs for the activities related to Guarantees of Origin and overall market potential in Baltic and Finnish region

The Transmission System Operators (TSOs) Amber Grid, Conexus Baltic Grid, Elering and Gasgrid Finland, from which Amber Grid and Elering are operating national GO issuing body and Gasgrid starting to operate from 2022 April, while Conexus Baltic Grid could become national GO issuing body in the future, organize a joint consultation questionnaire on the market needs for the activities related to Guarantees of Origin (hereinafter GOs) and overall market potential in Baltic and Finnish region.
This year Amber Grid, Conexus Baltic Grid, Elering and Gasgrid Finland signed Memorandum of Understanding on promoting development of green gases. Among other topics TSOs agreed to promote harmonized digital cross-border GOs exchange in the region. TSO agreed to promote GO mutual recognition measures, as foreseen in RED II, laws, regulations and other documents such as policies and standards building upon it or otherwise related to it, and respect the additional criteria, which are established in country of each TSO.
In order to develop GOs cross border exchange solution that the best fulfills the needs of market participants and stakeholders, we would kindly invite you to participate in this consultation. 
The received opinions will be used as a base for TSOs for prioritizing future GOs market development and related activities in the Finnish-Baltic countries.
All information (incl. contact details) provided by the Respondents in the consultation questionnaire will be shared between the TSOs. TSOs will not publish consultation responses with Respondents' personal information, but the results may be compiled and published to increase transparency. Any public summary will be composed in a manner that ensures anonymity. The results may also be presented for the ministries and other authorities responsible for governing GOs and development of green gases in the Finnish-Baltic market area. 
Please provide your answers to the Consultation questionnaire by 31st of January.
Here is the consultation questionnaire: Link
If you have any questions, please contact:
In Lithuania - Mr. Mindaugas Protas m.protas@ambergrid.lt +370 624 90051
Consultation document on Common principles for market information publication
In order to align the publication principles used in the Baltic-Finnish market area the Transmission system operators (TSOs) of the market area have developed a descriptive document to clarify, align and communicate the current principles used prior and when disclosing the infrastructure and service based transparency and inside information to the market participants. This document is intended as a set of guidelines to the market participants to elaborate the principles, timelines and methodologies used, as well as to explain the information already disclosed. 
The aim of the Document is to consult information transparency principles which will be taken into account by TSOs as a best practice guideline.
The document sets out the principles for:

1. Publication of the market transparency and inside information

  • Defines the common publication locations and information available on each publication system (including Annex 1). 

2. Capacity calculation methodology coordination

  • Defines the main capacity calculation principles
  • Defines the main schedule for the calculation procedure
3. Capacity calculation and coordination timeframes
  • Defines the timeframes and coordination times of the capacity information, as well as the publication time of the coordinated capacity
4. Common view on the publication principles used in the REMIT ((EC) No 1227/2011) and Transparency reporting ((EC) No 715/2009) 
  • Defines any other data or procedure used and data published, mainly:

a) Definitions used in the publications

b) Publication of implicit capacity shares.

c) Virtual capacity on the interconnection points

d) Coordination of joint maintenance plans

  • The use of UMM and inside information disclosure
The outcome of this public consultation is used to determine the best practices between all TSOs in common Finnish-Baltic market area and use the feedback in the review process of the relevant market rules and TSO-TSO contracts. Public consultation is open at all Baltic-Finnish market area TSOs until 06.09.2021 on links provided below. Feedback can be provided to any of the contacts listed below under specific TSO.
Amber Grid: 
Conexus Baltic Grid:
GasGrid Finland:
Public consultation regarding amendment to the rules for use of the transmission system

Amber Grid, in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Rules on public consultation approved by the National Energy Regulatory Council (resolution No. O3-350, dated 28th of October 2011) is announcing a public consultation on the draft of the amendment of the AB Amber Grid Rules for Access to the Natural Gas Transmission System, hereinafter - the Draft Rules.

Draft Rules are needed to implement European Commission and Council Regulation (EU) 2022/2576 of 19 December 2022 enhancing solidarity through better coordination of gas purchases, reliable price benchmarks and exchanges of gas across borders and to ensure effective use of transmission capacities at interconnection points. The new version of the rules will apply from April 1, 2023.

Amber Grid requests to get acquainted with the Draft Rules and to submit comments and suggestions by 24 February, 2023. Please submit comments and suggestions by e-mail consultation@ambergrid.lt.

At the end of the period of public consultation conducted by the company, the company will evaluate the comments and suggestions received during the consultation and submit the final edition of the Rules to the National Energy Regulatory Council.

The Draft Rules with marked corrections are available here.

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