
Corruption prevention

Corruption prevention

The success of the EPSO-G Group, to which Amber Grid belongs, depends on trust, which is why we have a zero tolerance approach to corruption. The EPSO-G Group’s concept of corruption prevention also includes offering and accepting improper benefits, influence peddling, and influence through the patronage of relatives, spouses or friends. We work to ensure that our decisions are not influenced by vested interests or personal gain.

The EPSO-G Group’s corruption prevention activities are based on national legislation and work in line with the following principles:

  • The heads of all companies of the Group are directly responsible for the implementation of corruption prevention measures. 
  • Proportionate corruption prevention procedures based on risk assessment are in place.
  • Corruption risks are regularly assessed, and measures to mitigate corruption risks are planned and applied.
  • The effectiveness of corruption prevention activities is monitored and more effective measures are put in place where necessary.

The Group is guided by a Corruption Prevention Policy, which sets out EPSO-G’s key corruption prevention principles, requirements, and guidelines to ensure compliance with them. This enables the highest standards of transparent business conduct.

EPSO-G Group’s Anti-Corruption Policy

We want Amber Grid to employ only people of excellent reputation. By checking their reliability, we create a more corruption-proof environment. Lithuanian law requires the Special Investigation Service (SIS) to confirm the reliability of certain people in certain positions. Before hiring a new employee, we carefully assess all the information provided by the SIS and in our possession.

The list of these positions is available here.


Amber Grid acts responsibly, honestly, transparently and openly, and therefore does not tolerate any form of corruption or abuse of office in its activities. Our corruption prevention policy applies not only to our employees, but also to contractors, suppliers, consultants, and other stakeholders. 

More information on our Corruption Prevention Policy is available here.

We invite you to report suspected infringements by managers and employees, such as irregularities in operations and accounting, bribery, influence peddling, abuse, conflicts of interest, nepotism, procurement transparency, etc., to the Helpline. 

The Helpline is based on the requirements of the Law on Protection of Whistleblowers, so the confidentiality and protection of the whistleblower is guaranteed. Information received in this way is sent only to the company’s corruption prevention officer.  

Details of how this information is processed are available here.  

The report can be submitted by employees of the company and by all stakeholders. It is also possible to report a possible case of corruption directly to the SIS or by sending an email to pranesk@stt.lt. 

We are socially responsible and committed to the safety of our employees and our partners’ employees, as well as the environmental impact of our operations. If you become aware of an unsafe situation, violation or another problem related to our activities, please report it. Knowing helps us to ensure the safety of our employees and others, and to minimise potential environmental impact. A report can be submitted by filling in the form below.

Cyber security 

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the information and cyber security requirements for third parties associated with our company.

Self service