
Procedure for the issuance of permits

Procedure for granting consent to works in operating transmission system facilities (installations) and in their protection zone

  • The consent to carrying out works in the operating facilities (installations) of the natural gas transmission system (hereinafter referred to as Transmission System) and/or in their protection zone shall be granted on the basis of the Application, technical and working designs for construction, reconstruction or repair of the building, technology projects of construction works (execution), a signed contract or a service provision contract, and the requirements of the applicable normative legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.
  • Before commencing the planned works, services or other activities, the legal or natural person (hereinafter referred to as the Persons) planning to perform such activities shall submit to AB Amber Grid (hereinafter referred to as the Company) an “Application for Consent to Perform Work in Operating Natural Gas Transmission System Facilities (Installations) and/or in their Protection Zone” (hereinafter referred to as the Application) and receive from the Company an “Consent to the Performance of Work in an Operating Natural Gas Transmission System Facility (Installation) and/or in its Protection Zone” (hereinafter referred to as the Consent).
  • Persons from foreign countries may apply in Lithuanian, English or Russian. Consent shall be granted in Lithuanian.
  • Employees of the company designing the transmission system facilities (installations) may only enter the operating transmission system facilities (installations) and their territory or protection zone when accompanied by the Company’s employees. Consent shall not be given to the employees of the design companies.
  • Prior to the commencement of the works in the operating transmission system facility (installation) and/or its protection zone, the person in charge shall prepare and agree with the Company on measures to protect the operating pipeline and installation from damage.
  • If necessary, Persons requesting Consent must provide additional documents not specified in the Description.
  • Responsible employees designated by the Persons to carry out work under the Consent shall, at the time of carrying out the work, be in possession of the Consent and other documents (or copies thereof) authorising them to carry out the work specified in the Consent.

Conditions for granting consent to performing the work

  • The Person requesting Consent shall deliver or send the documents by post (email) to the Company, where the documents shall be registered.
  • The Person shall be informed of the possibility of withdrawing the issued Consent by the department that drafted the Consent.
  • A person who has not obtained the Company’s Consent shall not have the right to carry out any work in the Company’s transmission system facilities and/or within their protection zone.
  • No work may be carried out after the expiry of the period of performance specified in the Consent.
  • Upon completion of the works specified in the Consent, the Company’s employee who issued the Consent must be informed of the completion of the works specified in the Consent. Should the works cause damage to the property of a third party, the person responsible for carrying out the works must provide a certificate signed by the third party stating that the third party does not have any claims.

Procedures for being informed about potencial hazards and risks as well as safety requirements for excavation work

  • Upon receipt of the Consent, the employee responsible for the performance of the work appointed by the head of the Person performing the work or providing the service or a person authorized by the head, and the Person or an authorised representative who is carrying out any other activities within the protection zone of the transmission system facility (installation), shall be informed (upon signed acknowledgement) by an employee of the Company issuing the Consent of the possible hazards and risks factors and/or the safety requirements for excavation work in the course of the work within operating natural gas transmission system facilities (installations) and/or their protection zone.
  • Other employees of the company shall be briefed by the designated work supervisors in accordance with the employee briefing procedures in force in those companies. Other employees shall be briefed upon signed acknowledgement before the commencement of the work on the potential hazards and risks and the general safety requirements for work in operating natural gas transmission facilities (installations) and/or their protection zone.

Suspension and/or withdrawal of consent

  • If the contractor (subcontractor) is found to be in breach of the legal requirements and/or the terms and conditions set out in the Consent, the contractor (subcontractor) shall be given a written warning of the non-compliance with the legal requirements and/or the terms and conditions set out in the Consent. The warning shall be sent to the contractor (subcontractor) by email to the email address specified in the Consent. The contractor (subcontractor) shall be obliged to rectify the non-compliance stated in the warning without delay, and within a maximum period of time set out in the warning, and to inform the Company thereof.
  • Depending on the nature of the violation, potential consequences, etc., the Consent may be suspended or withdrawn until the contractor (subcontractor) remedies the identified violations and informs the Company’s responsible employees of the remedy.
  • Suspension or withdrawal of the Consent shall come into effect from the date of sending the letter on suspension or cancellation of the works (hereinafter referred to as the Letter) from AB Amber Grid. The Letter shall be sent to the email address specified in the Consent.
  • The Consent shall be suspended for the period specified in the Letter regarding suspension. After the expiry of the suspension period set out in the Letter regarding suspension, the validity of the Consent shall resume and shall continue until the date specified in the Consent only if the contractor (subcontractor) has remedied the identified violations within that period and has provided evidence thereof to the Company. The suspension of the Consent may be lifted before the expiry of the period of suspension specified in the letter if the contractor (subcontractor) remedies the identified violations and informs the Company thereof. In this case, the Company shall inform the contractor (subcontractor) of the lifting of the suspension by sending an email to the email address specified in the Consent.
  • A new Consent for the same work shall be granted after a re-submission of the necessary documents for obtaining the Consent, and when the contractor (subcontractor) demonstrates that the violations that led to the withdrawal of the Consent have been remedied.
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