
Gas pipeline protection zone

Amber Grid operates 2,285 km of high-pressure main gas pipelines throughout Lithuania. Therefore, we aim to inform the population about the rules to be followed around gas pipeline systems to avoid damage and injuries.

Reducing the common causes of underground gas pipeline failures is crucial for us. Such causes are: damage that occurred during excavation works, damage due to failure to call Amber Grid representatives, damage due to failure to follow the safety precautions specified by the representatives, or damage due to lack of information about the existing pipelines. The consequences of these failures include interruption of gas supply, risk to life and property, and liability for damages (damage to the pipeline, loss of gas).

Such failures may be caused by unauthorised construction work. Before excavating, it is always important to check whether there are any utilities networks with land-use restrictions at the site and in the vicinity. To protect residents from potential damage and loss, we remind you that the protection zone for main gas pipelines is 25 m on either side of the axis of the main (more than 16 bar) gas pipeline.

The following is forbidden in the gas pipeline protection zone without notifying Amber Grid:
  • Performing any construction works
  • Planting trees and shrubs
  • Digging deeper than 0.3 m
  • Storing construction and other materials
  • Digging and deepening ditches and deep pits

It is also important to be aware that construction may be limited within a distance of 200 m in both directions from the axis of the main gas pipeline and 300 m from gas distribution stations, depending on the number of buildings, their height, and other factors.

Steps to be taken before the start of excavation works:
  1. Obtaining a building permit or approvals from authorised municipal and civil servants, where these documents are mandatory.
  2. Negotiating on the description and layout of the excavation works where no building design is required.
  3. Obtaining consent from Amber Grid to the works if the excavation works are carried out in the protection zone of the main gas pipeline.
  4. Call an Amber Grid representative (at least five working days in advance). This must also be done if pipelines not shown on the drawings are found during excavation.

To obtain consent to carrying out the works, to agree on the schedules and layout of the excavation works or to call our representative, please send an email to: info@ambergrid.lt.

Enquiries can be made by calling (8 5) 236 0303.

Information on the documents to be submitted is available here

In case of damage to a gas pipeline, please call the general emergency number 112 (free of charge).

Amber Grid System Control Centre
Tel.: (8 5) 236 0121, 236 0122
Mobile: +370 699 07301

Self service