
For land owners

What can and cannot be done in a pipeline protection zone?

It is possible to carry out agricultural activities in the pipeline protection zone, but for the safety of people, you cannot construct buildings in the pipeline protection zone.

It is forbidden to build within the pipeline protection zone without notifying Amber Grid:

  • any construction work of any kind
  • planting of trees and bushes
  • digging deeper than 0.3 m
  • storage of construction and other materials
  • digging and deepening of ditches, deep pits

Any prohibitions or restrictions on activities within the pipeline protection zone are specified in Article 28 of the Law on Special Land Use Conditions of the Republic of Lithuania.
To carry out works in the gas pipeline protection zone, the consent of Amber Grid must be obtained. 

You should also be aware that construction may be limited to a distance of 200 m in both directions from the axis of the main gas pipeline and 300 m from gas distribution stations, depending on the number of buildings, their height and other factors.

If you notice any unusual occurrences near gas transmission networks or in the protection zones of gas pipelines, such as water bubbling up from the ground, a strong smell of gas, a hissing sound or a fire, please inform the General Emergency Centre as soon as possible by calling the short number 112.
Self service