

Amber Grid requires the safety of workers to be ensured after the Contractor's worker was injured during the construction of the gas pipeline

On the 13th of September, the worker of the Contractor MT Group, who worked in the pipeline route, was injured during the reconstruction of the trunk gas pipeline Vilnius-Panevėžys-Riga. A pipe that unexpectedly detached from the ropes held by the excavator oppressed the Contractor's worker against the slope of the excavated trench. The worker was immediately taken to the hospital for further treatment. There are unconfirmed reports that the injured worker was found to be under the influence of alcohol (the level of alcohol intoxication – 0.84 ppm). The incident is investigated by the police and the State Labour Inspectorate.

The Contractor is under the contractual obligation to ensure that the workers who carry out the work will not be under the influence of alcohol, drugs, toxic or psychotropic substances, and also the Contractor undertakes under the Contract to comply with all occupational safety and health requirements.

‘Unfortunately, the worker was potentially severely injured at a time when MT Group, as the Contractor of this major project, was carrying the works. There are a number of hazards when working in the pipeline area. They require to pay greater attention to worker safety. This accident shows that the contract clauses alone are not a sufficient means of preventing accidents. We therefore ask that all pipeline contractors who work in the gas pipelines both today and in the future pay extra, live attention on a daily basis to the safety of people and their readiness to work’, – says Andrius Dagys, the Technical Director of Amber Grid.

This month, the natural gas transmission system operator Amber Grid recorded 600 days without accidents. The workers of the Company who carry out pipeline operation works are urged to comply strictly with the safety requirements of workers: to wear helmets, special gloves, work-appropriate footwear, to behave carefully in hazardous work situations, in accordance with the instructions.

The contractors selected through public procurement procedure, who are entrusted with the implementation of important and major gas pipeline infrastructure projects, are also required to observe people's safety and work discipline.

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