

Amber Grid will participate in the development of a common European framework for the exchange between states in Renewable Gas Guarantees of Origin

In creating conditions for the development of green gas in Lithuania, the natural gas transmission system operator Amber Grid joins a European Association developing a European system for exchange between states of Renewable Gas Guarantees of Origin – the ERGaR (European Renewable Gas Registry). As from June this year, Amber Grid started administering the National Register of Guarantees of Origin of Gas from Renewable Energy Sources. There are plans in the Association to create, along with the registers of guarantees of origin, transmission or distribution system operators, and participants in the renewable gas market in other countries, a single European framework ensuring explicit and common rules for the exchange of guarantees of origin for green gas between the Member States of the European Union.

‘Green gas activities are just starting to be developed in Lithuania. We are, so far, in the early stage. It is therefore important to start operating in time and in a specific medium where directions for the development of a renewable gas guarantees of origin exchange system across Europe are being outlined. We have ambitious national-level targets to achieve - to increase the share of renewable energy in the energy sector.
Therefore, we seek to promote transactions in the guarantees of origin for bio-methane and other gas produced from renewable sources with other Member States of the European Union. We are already now preparing for the phase where Lithuania will be connected by gas pipeline interconnection with Poland, and Estonia - with Finland. Then preconditions will be created for cross-border trade in guarantees of origin of green gas’, – said  Saulius Bilys, the CEO of Amber Grid.
The local and foreign companies are actively interested in import and export opportunities of guarantees of origin for green gas. However, as long as there is no harmonized trading system for guarantees of origin for green gas, adapted to all EU countries, such opportunities are limited.
The ERGaR Association, that has been operating since 2016, develops a system complying with EU legislation requirements of EU legislation which enables cross-border exchange in guarantees of origin for gas produced from RES in the European natural gas system. It helps to avoid double sales and double accounting of renewable gas. The Association unites the registers of RES guarantees of origin, transmission or distribution system operators, and associations of the RES sector. The members of the ERGaR are the largest participants in the European bio-methane market, operating in Germany, Austria, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, France and other countries.
The use of green gas and the need to justify the greening of such energy are increasing in Europe. The National Register of Guarantees of Origin of Gas from Renewable Energy Sources, which is being developed in Lithuania, opens up opportunities for increasing the share of renewable resources in the overall portfolio of consumed energy, and thus contribute to the reduction of climate change and environmental pollution.
Please find more information about the guarantees of origin of green gas in Lithuania here


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