

Fire started in the outskirts of the town while supplying gas to Alytus gas distribution station

On 25 of November, 13:15 fire started in an evaporator of a gas tanker temporarily feeding gas to Alytus gas distribution system during planned works in a wooded territory, at the outskirts of Alytus Town. The equipment belongs to Polish supplier DUON, services are provided at the order of Amber Grid. The fire was eliminated after a couple of hours

Firefighters were immediately called to the place of incident and are currently localising the fire. Fire brigade arrived to the location 11 minutes after the call. According to the primary data, no casualty was reported. Gas is being supplied to consumers in Alytus.
Amber Grid CEO Nemunas Biknius: 'Now, the contractor and we are focusing our efforts on control of fire consequences and safety assurance. The Energy Distribution Operator (ESO) and Alytus Town services were informed about the situation. We are actively investigating the circumstances of the incident. We will inform about the causes'.
On 23–25 November, planned works of connection of the installed link of the international gas pipeline GIPL interconnecting Lithuania and Poland to the Lithuanian gas transmission system in operation were carried out in Alytus District. 
Following disconnection of the main gas pipeline to Alytus gas distribution station because of the above-mentioned works, gas for gas consumers of Alytus District for three days was supplied from a special liquefied natural gas tanker delivered from Poland. 
Before entering the pipeline, liquefied gas was evaporated in a special evaporator, in which based on primary data the fire started.
Following information about the incident, the company's managers arrived to the place of the incident. Cooperation with the services is carried out and investigation is conducted to establish if all safety requirements were ensured during the works.
Additional information. An investigation into the incident is underway to determine the causes and circumstances of the incident, including the source of the fire. The incident is being investigated by the National Energy Regulatory Council, the Fire and Rescue Department, the Police and the State Labor Inspectorate. The findings will be published upon completion of the study.


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