

GIPL Non-binding Market Survey Webinar on 25th of November, 2020

REGISTRATION IS OPEN. GIPL Non-binding Market Survey Webinar on 25th of November, 10.00-11.15 EET. 
Gas Transmission Operator GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and AB Amber Grid (TSOs) are conducting a non-binding Market Survey procedure searching for the market view on the development of the services for new transmission capacity in the Gas Interconnection Poland – Lithuania (GIPL).
The GIPL project demonstrates high commercial potential and might provide high economic value for market players, that will support the development of a competitive energy market in the region and contribute to the process of regional gas market integration.
Both TSOs intend to investigate the possibilities, which may enhance the commercial usage of GIPL and its positive economic impact for the gas markets. The TSOs believe that the Market Survey will allow to well identify the needs and expectations of the clients, with good representation both geographically and by customer type, in order to better evaluate what could constitute the optimal design of the rules of access to the GIPL interconnection point and maximise its commercial utilisation by the market in periods to come.
Therefore, TSOs organize the webinar on the GIPL non-binding Market Survey in order to present the goals and details of the Market Survey and clarify any questions that might arise, as well as provide brief update on the GIPL project progress. 
Agenda of the webinar
1. GIPL presentation
2. GIPL non-binding market survey questionnaire 
3. Q&A session. Discussion
Timing of the webinar
The webinar will be organized on November 25 from 9.00 to 10.15 CET (10.00 to 11.15 EET). Please be informed that the webinar will be held in English.
              The participants who intend to attend in Webinar should register to the e-mail addresses: badanierynku@gaz-system.pl  or consultation@ambergrid.lt until 23rd of November eob. 
              The registered participants on 24th of November will receive a link for the webinar, which will be held via MS Teams platform.
Please note that during the webinar participants will be able to see the list of all participants, and the event will be recorded. The list of participants will be shared amongst TSOs.
Looking forward for Your participation!
Self service