

GIPL pipeline connecting Lithuania and Poland successfully tested at maximum capacity

The GIPL pipeline connecting the Lithuanian and Polish gas transmission networks has been tested at maximum capacity. Two tests were carried out to make sure that the pipeline can transmit the full gas flow in accordance with the technical parameters of the GIPL construction without any disturbances. According to the assessment of the Lithuanian and Polish TSOs operating the GIPL interconnection, the tests were successful.
The tests followed the commissioning of the Holovschizy gas compressor station in Poland at the end of September, which allowed the GIPL to reach its design capacity. In Lithuania, the gas pressure in this pipeline is provided by the Jauniūnai gas compressor station.
"The GIPL tests went smoothly, not only in terms of the technical results but also in terms of cooperation between the operators of the two countries. During the tests, we achieved the maximum gas flow, both coming to Lithuania and going to Poland. The feasibility test showed that the infrastructure was built as designed and the pipeline can operate reliably at full capacity," said Nemunas Biknius, CEO of Amber Grid. 
The pipeline has been used extensively since the start of GIPL's operations. Gas suppliers have commercially transported almost 1 TWh of gas to Lithuania for the needs of the country and other northern countries and 4.2 TWh of gas to Poland via the new interconnection. 
The number of users of the GIPL pipeline has steadily increased since its opening. Currently, the pipeline is used by ten market players, most of which have entered the Lithuanian market since the GIPL pipeline became functional. 
The Lithuanian-Polish GIPL pipeline, which became operational in May 2022, connected the Baltic and Finnish gas markets to the European Union.
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