

The latest relevant information on the integration of the Baltic and Finnish gas markets available in webinars

The gas transmission system operators Amber Grid, Conexus Baltic Grid, Elering and Gasgrid Finland, continue their cooperation by organizing a series of online seminars on the integration of the Baltic and Finnish gas markets in 2021. During these events, market participants will be familiarized with the latest and most relevant information regarding the implementation of the development of the regional gas market. It is planned to organize at least three joint events to develop the regional gas market.
The first webinar took place on February 18th. During it, market participants were introduced with the results of the regional gas market development survey conducted at the end of 2020, with proposals and recommendations from the market participants on priorities for further market integration.
During event, transmission system operators presented common guidelines for a regional action plan to ensure market harmonization and transparency.
The presentation of the webinar You can find here and the video here.
More information related to the implementation of the regional gas market development can be found here.
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