

The Lithuanian flag of 300 square meters is flying above the gas link with Western Europe

With the 30th anniversary of restitution of independence of Lithuania approaching, the three-colour state flag of 13 meter width and 23 meter length was hoisted above one of the most important energy projects of recent time – the gas interconnection between Lithuania and Poland under construction. The state flag of Lithuania sized 300 square meters is flying behind Elektrėnai, next to the new international gas pipeline under construction which will interconnect the Baltic and Finnish gas markets with Western Europe.
'We are proud of creating the future of Lithuanian energy sector and securing the freedom of choice for the population and business in the country to have access to safe, affordable, and green energy in the future. Well-developed Lithuanian energy transmission infrastructure integrated into the European Union gas network will serve this purpose', said Nemunas Biknius, acting CEO of gas transmission system operator Amber Grid.
Gas is expected to start flowing through the new GIPL gas pipeline by the end of 2021. The gas pipeline of 508 km length will run from Jauniūnai gas compressor station in Lithuania to Hołowczyce gas compressor station on the Polish side. Amber Grid set an ambitious goal – laying nearly two thirds of the pipeline in 2020, i.e. approximately 100 km of 165 km in total. 
In the course of the gas pipeline construction, intense works are carried out every day in the marked route from Širvintos to Alytus - steel pipes are delivered, over 23 km long gas pipeline has already been welded. Special attention is focused on occupational safety. In cooperation with local communities, expectations of the population regarding preservation of the environment and arable land are considered, questions arising to land owners regarding works in their land plot are tackled.
Archaeological research explorations, examination of the gas pipeline route regarding explosives are planned for March. Highly complex directional horizontal drilling works are planned in summer when laying the gas pipeline under the largest rivers of Lithuania – the Neris and the Nemunas.
Following interconnection of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland with the European Union gas network through the GIPL gas pipeline, the number of accesses to alternative gas sources in the Baltic Region will increase ensuring greater security and competition in gas supply.
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