

The Summary of the Non-Binding Market Survey Concerning the GIPL is Published by Gas Transmission Operators GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and Amber Grid

Gas Transmission Operators GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and Amber Grid (TSOs) have published the summary of the Non-Binding Market Survey responses concerning the Gas Interconnection Poland – Lithuania (GIPL). The summary of responses for the GIPL Non-Binding Market Survey, as well as TSOs answers to the questions provided by the Respondents of the survey you may find here.
The non-binding Market Survey procedure had been conducted from 4 November to 7 December, 2020 by both TSOs searching for the market views on the development of the services for new transmission capacity in the GIPL. Nine respondents had provided answers, which were elaborated and contained a number of interesting ideas and proposals.
During the non-binding Market Survey, a webinar for the market participants was also organized on 25 November. During the webinar, the progress of GIPL implementation and objectives of the market survey were presented and questions from market participants were answered. The webinar was attended by more than 60 participants from various European countries, including existing and potential market participants, as well as representatives from the regulatory authorities, ministries and other important stakeholders. The unexpectedly large interest and provided feedback showed that the GIPL project has a very promising commercial potential for a regional gas market, but there is also an evident need for designing optimal access conditions to GIPL entry/exit point, which will support the role of GIPL in the development of a competitive energy market in the region and the process of regional gas market integration.
GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. and Amber Grid appreciate all market participants and stakeholders very much participating in the survey and webinar for their time and efforts put into responding on the addressed topics. Both TSOs believe that this valuable contribution will prove to be very helpful within our further works, analyses and dialogue with the crucial stakeholders in the process of determining the rules of access to GIPL IP, in particular, the National Regulatory Authorities. More detailed proposals will be provided for public consultation in due course upon their preparation. 
GAZ-SYSTEM plays a strategic role in the Polish economy. We are responsible for natural gas transmission and operate the most important gas pipelines in Poland. As part of the 2015-2025 investment programme, GAZ-SYSTEM plans to build over 2000 km of new gas pipelines in western, southern and eastern parts of Poland. Further development of the national transmission network, including the construction of new gas pipelines making part of the North-South Gas Corridor, as well as the construction of interconnections with the neighbouring countries, will strengthen Poland’s energy security and make an important contribution to the development of the European transmission system. 
The Company is implementing one of the most important infrastructural projects in Poland – the Baltic Pipe project, which consists in the construction of a bidirectional offshore gas pipeline connecting Poland and Denmark and the expansion of the local transmission network. 
GAZ-SYSTEM also owns Polskie LNG, the operator of the President Lech Kaczyński's LNG Terminal in Świnoujście.
Amber Grid, Lithuanian gas transmission system operator, ensures reliable and safe gas transmission by high pressure pipelines to the system users. We are responsible for operating, maintaining and developing the natural gas infrastructure of Lithuania which contains of more than 2100 km of pipes and 2 gas compressor stations. Well-developed Lithuanian gas infrastructure serves as regional hub for the gas transmission towards North in Latvia direction. We are implementing a strategic energy project GIPL, a natural gas infrastructure that will connect Polish and Lithuanian as well as Baltic and Finnish gas transmission systems with the European Union. The GIPL interconnection is designed to enhance gas market of the region and to deliver value for the market players and involved countries. Amber Grid shares are listed on the Baltic Secondary List of the NASDAQ Vilnius Stock Exchange. The controlling stake of Amber Grid is owned by the holding company EPSO-G, whose 100% of the shares are owned by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania.
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